"One thing I love about shiatsu is the deeply nourishing, Yin aspect of the therapy. Most of my day is spent being busy, creating, doing but when working with a client or doing self shiatsu, I become quiet and still, tapping into a greater abundant energy than just me with my small life and little projects. I become part of the bigger whole. I feel the life force of the universe flowing through me - I am connected to the client on the mat, to all my teachers before, to all my students to come - in the present moment."
Joanne Faulker, Shiatsu practitioner and Qigong teacher

Throughout June we are posting contributions we have received from people who wanted to tell us one thing they love about shiatsu. If you would like to tell us one thing you love about shiatsu, please feel free to comment and share our posts! All contributors have given us permission to share their words, with the names or initials given. '1 thing I love about shiatsu' is a collaborative project for #shiatsuawarenessmonth (an initiative of the Shiatsu Society (UK) ) and #shiatsuwithoutborders (an initiative of the ESF - European Shiatsu Federation ). It is being managed by Hannah Mackay - Shiatsu and creativity for The Shiatsu College #shiatsu #shiatsumassage #1thingiloveaboutshiatsu Shiatsu College, Manchester Shiatsu College Brighton
Shiatsu College Hastings Shiatsu College Norwich Shiatsu College London
#wellbeing #holistic #holistictherapies #holistictherapist #holistichealth #learnshiatsu #shiatsutherapy #shiatsu