Writing by Hannah Mackay
In shiatsu, our work is grounded in the concepts of Yin and Yang. This is a poem I wrote to help me, and others, connect with the Yin.
Like a winter leaf
You know how to rest.
You know how to settle down
Like a winter leaf.
The life lit summer spent tip-stalk extending a high branch
Reaching out, always up towards the light
Turning to the sun, working, transforming
Her shine to growth and substance
A full-growth flutter of verdant life.
And then the release of the working green
The glory colours revealed –
Were you orange, crimson, scarlet? –
Before the thrill of the wind-blown
Air dance fall flutter
Whirling plummeting drop.
You know how to rest now,
You know how to settle down,
A dark winter leaf brown on the ground
Time slows,
No work to do
Feeding the tree
With your being body
Holding moisture
Bringing goodness.
Gradual sinking
Merge with Earth
Autumn comes round again soon
So soon, more leaves fall
Leaves upon leaves
Leaves upon leaves upon soil
Down in the dark
Let yourself go
I have published academic articles on my research in psychotherapy and shiatsu; and articles for shiatsu people on the practice of shiatsu.
I also write creatively around themes relevant to shiatsu.
Writing on shiatsu practice
Sitting with the Yin points, 2017, Shiatsu Society Journal
Silence in shiatsu, 2013, Shiatsu Society Journal
Shiatsu and acupressure: a review of the effectiveness evidence, 2011, Shiatsu Society Journal
Academic publications
Guthrie, E., Margison, F., Mackay, H., Chew-Graham, C., Moorey, J. & Sibbald, B. (2004). Effectiveness of psychodynamic-interpersonal therapy training for primary care counsellors. Psychotherapy Research, 14(2), 161-175.
Long, A.F. & Mackay H.C. (2003). The effects of shiatsu: findings from a two-country exploratory study. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 9 (4), 539–547.
Mackay, H. C.; Barkham, M., Rees, A. & Stiles, W.B. (2003). Appraisal of published reviews of research on psychotherapy and counselling with adults 1990-1998. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 71(4), 652-656.
Mackay, H.C., Barkham, M., Stiles, W.B., & Goldfried, M.R. (2002). Patterns of emotion in helpful sessions of cognitive-behavioural and psychodynamic-interpersonal therapy. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 49(3), 376-380.
Mackay, H.C., West, W, Moorey, J., Guthrie, E. & Margison, F. (2001). Counsellors' experiences of changing their practice: learning the psychodynamic-interpersonal model of therapy. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 1(1), 29-39.
Mackay, H.C., Barkham, M. & Stiles, W.B. (1998). Staying with the feeling: An anger event in psychodynamic-interpersonal therapy. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 45, 279-289.